Free Economics


& affordable online assessments.

Lyryx with Open Texts for Economics

For more than ten years, Lyryx Learning partnered with top publishers of post-secondary Economics textbooks in Canada to provide an online homework platform that is a proven, high-quality component in these areas of study. In recent years, Lyryx has formed strategic partnerships with post-secondary institutions in Canada to develop and enhance Open Educational Resources (OER) for Economics courses. Our editorial team develops and maintains high-quality, free economics textbooks (available to all) and supplements (for adopting instructors) that make it easy for instructors to prioritize access and affordability in their courses.

Principles of Microeconomics

D. Curtis and I. Irvine

Edited by Lyryx Learning

Principles of Microeconomics is an adaptation of the textbook, Microeconomics: Markets, Methods, and Models by D. Curtis and I. Irvine, which provides concise yet complete coverage of introductory microeconomics theory, application and policy in a Canadian and global environment.

Principles of Macroeconomics

H. Dauderis and D. Annand

Edited by Athabasca University

Design and layout by Lyryx Learning

Principles of Macroeconomics is an adaptation of the textbook, Macroeconomics: Theory, Markets, and Policy by D. Curtis and I. Irvine, and presents a complete and concise examination of introductory macroeconomics theory and policy suitable for a first introductory course.

Principles of Economics

H. Dauderis and D. Annand

Edited by Athabasca University

Design and layout by Lyryx Learning

Principles of Economics is a combination of the textbooks Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics by D. Curtis and I. Irvine. 

It presents a complete and concise examination of introductory micro- and macroeconomics theory, application and policy in a Canadian and global environment.