Online homework and examinations

Many subjects are learned by doing, and Lyryx offers formative online homework and summative examinations based on key principles of learning such as:

A high challenge, low threat learning environment

Immediate, formative feedback

Opportunity for mastery of concepts

Designed by experienced instructors

The homework problems are designed by experienced instructors, and the Lyryx algorithm captures their experience to analyze and assess students’ work by looking for common errors, consistent mistakes through multi-part questions, and arithmetic errors to provide instant and intelligent personalized feedback. Students are then encouraged to try again on similar, randomized problems, but only their best grade is recorded. We believe this is an important pedagogical element designed to encourage students to learn and master the material.

Online Examinations

Lyryx offers a summative online examination area, incorporating all the necessary functionality for this purpose.

Set start and end
Grant extensions and special requirements
Monitor unusual
student activity

Lyryx Student Analytics

Student performance information from Lyryx assignments and examinations is collected and organized into convenient and revealing graphs for the benefits of the instructor, providing insight into class performance and areas for review. 

The following (anonymous) example is taken from a real class. 

Of 22 students attempting this assignment, question 9 has been attempted over 6 times on average – almost DOUBLE the next highest average number of attempts for other questions. This indicated a potential difficulty with that question.  

The potential difficulty with question 9 is supported by an average student grade of 22.5% over all attempts, together with the average grade of the best attempts at 71.8% – both averages significantly below those of other questions. 

The analytics represent a clear universal difficulty with question 9 and the need to review the material with students again. 

Device Friendly

Lyryx educational software is currently available on all devices, including mobile.